Ice Wine, is a very special type of wine, made from grapes that have been handpicked, frozen from the vine. After picking, they are carefully pressed, releasing only 10%-20% of their liquid, to be fermented, for a half a year, in special wooden barrels. The result is a sweet wine that also contains hyper-concentrated levels of ANTI-AGING polyphenols (the naturally occurring antioxidants with skin tightening and age reversing properties). 

Put simply, Swiss Lift™ is a non-greasy, all-natural cream that is 100% guaranteed to lift away decades of age, tighten loose & sagging skin, smooth away wrinkles, visibly erase fine lines, moisturize, smooth & cushion skin, and ultimately reveal a youthful fresh appearance – all in just 14 days time. It is made from certified Swiss ice wine (containing THE MOST POWERFUL hyper-concentrated ANTI-AGING polyphenols—powerful antioxidants—in existence) … that beat out the ten most expensive facial cosmetics in the world (including the $13,000 a jar Cle De Beaute).

That’s a complicated question! But, put in the simplest of terms, hyper-concentrated polyphenols (naturally occurring antioxidants) extracted from ice wine have clinically proven “age reversing” properties that lift, tighten, and smooth skin. Again, that is an overly simplified explanation, but one that does not require a chemistry degree to understand!

Absolutely yes! We PROMISE YOU that Swiss Lift™ will lift and tighten the skin of your neck and face In just 14 days, while simultaneously smoothing away wrinkles and lines. In less than a half hour, you will see a new youthful fresh appearance. 

Everyone knows that The United States has some of the strictest purity and manufacturing laws in the world. And that’s how we like it. So, for that reason, every bottle of Swiss Lift™ is made in the USA, in an FDA monitored facility, under the strictest supervision and guidelines. When your bottles of Swiss Lift™ are delivered to your door, you can know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your 14 day neck and face lift cream, is 100% pure, 100% powerful, and 100% effective.

Regardless of where you are in the world (including The United States) you can have Swiss Lift™ delivered right to without a prescription! 

Absolutely YES! Our guarantee is simple. Try Swiss Lift™ in the privacy of your home. See how it will, in just 14 days time, lift away decades of age from your neck and face… while at the same time, eliminating lines and wrinkles – leaving you with a true, youthful glow. But if for any reason you want to send back your empty bottles for a complete and immediate refund – just pop them in the mail. That’s all it takes, and it will be done. No questions asked!